Terms and Conditions

These general terms of use and legal information (hereinafter referred to as Terms of Use) regulate the use and access to the website www.holaspanishmarket.com (hereinafter the Website), owned by HOLA SPANISH MARKET, S.L. (hereinafter HSM), as well as the content and services that the Website makes available to its Users.

Access to and use of this Website imply knowledge and acceptance of these Terms of Use:

General Information

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following identifying data of the owner of this website are provided:

User Responsibilities

The User is entirely responsible for accessing and using the Website in compliance with current legal regulations, whether national or international, as well as the principles of good faith, morals, good customs, and public order. Specifically, the User commits to diligently observing these terms of use.

Users must refrain from using the services and content of the Website for illegal purposes or in ways that are harmful to the rights and interests of third parties or that may damage, disable, affect, or deteriorate the Website, its content, and its services in any way. It is also prohibited to impede the normal use or enjoyment of the Website by other Users.

Those who fail to comply with such obligations will be held responsible for any damage or harm they cause. HSM will not be liable for any consequences, damage, or harm that may result from such access or unlawful use by third parties.

HSM’s Responsibility

The User is responsible for having the services and equipment necessary to browse the Internet and access the Website. In case of any incident or difficulty accessing www.holaspanishmarket.com, the User can inform HSM at the email address [email protected], which will analyze the incident and provide the User with instructions on how to resolve it as quickly as possible.

HSM will not be liable for service interruptions, connection errors, lack of availability, or deficiencies in the Internet access service, nor for interruptions in the Internet network or any other reasons beyond HSM’s control.


HSM does not assume any responsibility for the content of linked sites (Links) that allow Users to access services and benefits offered by third parties through the Website, as long as they are external to it. Therefore, HSM is not responsible for the information contained therein or for any effects that may result from such information. If any User or third party observes that such links may be contrary to laws, morals, or public order, they should inform us via email at [email protected].

Update and Modification of the Website

HSM reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the terms of these Terms of Use.

Likewise, HSM reserves the right to update, modify, or delete the information contained on its website, as well as the configuration, presentation, and access conditions of the website, at any time and without prior notice, without assuming any responsibility for it.

Intellectual Property

HSM is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights included on the Website, as well as the content accessible through it.

The intellectual property rights of the website, as well as texts, images, graphic design, navigation structure, information, and content contained therein, are owned by HSM, to whom the exclusive exercise of exploitation rights of the same in any form corresponds, and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in accordance with Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.

The authorization to the User for access to the Website does not imply a waiver, transmission, license, or total or partial assignment of intellectual or industrial property rights by HSM.

Applicable Law

These terms of use shall be governed by Spanish law, which shall apply in matters not provided for in these terms in terms of interpretation, validity, and execution.

In the event of any controversy related to these terms of use, the parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.